3 Goal Types

Don’t put success in someone else’s control.

3 Types of SMART Goals

SMART goals can be broken down into three types:

Result - Relies on your performance as well as the performance of competitors. E.g. team placement at a meet or individual placement in events.

Performance - Independent of competitors. E.g. personal bests in the weight room or on the track or results of some kind of skills test.

Process - Activities or attitudes separate from but related to performance. E.g. have fun, support team mates, be vocal.

Focusing on process and performance rather than outcome might be the most important concept in all of sport psychology. If competitors base success on results rather than performance or process, then their confidence will be unstable. A cyclist can get a lift if one of their competitors is under the weather or a sprinter can crash if someone outleans them by a nose. Don’t let someone else affect your perception of success.


Congratulations to Bruins Bantam Hockey
